Who does The NET serve?

The NET serves inner city students ranging from 3rd grade to 12th grade.


What makes The NET's model unique?

We are a non-traditional organization in that our focus is to help  build the proverbial "village" that is needed to raise the child. To do this, we strive to build continuity within students' lives as they stay involved with us from 3rd-12th grade. Our mentors not only build social consciousness and a sense of self-worth in our students via group mentoring, but also spend the time to connect each student to the resources/programs/organizations in Boston that will help students find their own path to success.


How do I become a mentor?

If you are interested in joining our mentoring team, please email Jamal Grant at JamalGrant@thenetmentoring.org. 


How do I become a student involved in The NET?

If you are interested in becoming a mentee in one of The NET's programs, please email Jamal Grant at JamalGrant@thenetmentoring.org.


Why should my organization join The NET?

At The NET, we believe that it takes a village to raise a child. Practically, this means that it takes more than just a good school, more than just an extracurricular program and more than just self-confidence; it takes the combination of all those things and more. We want your organizations to join The NET network so that students can more easily access the resources in their community with the guidance of a mentor to ensure that each student gets connected to her/his personal "village" of organizations. This model will help build continuity in each student's life and raise the collective effectiveness of programs and organizations already doing great work in the city.


When does The NET Mentoring group meet?

The NET STEM meets 1 Saturday out of the month. Exact schedule TBD.

The NET Mentoring meets the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month throughout the academic school year. Exact schedule TBD.


When will The NET programming begin/kick off?

The NET is scheduled to kick-off at the beginning of the 2016-2017 academic year.